1- Preamble
1.1. The Award «Harubuntu for people who carry the hope and who create the wealth in Africa» was created in 2005 at the Palais d'Egmont in Brussels. This creation came following an initiative by the Partnership for Municipal Development (Partenariat pour le Développement Municipal) and the Belgian NGO Echos Communication on the theme of “New relationships with Africa for creating the wealth together”. At that event, the medias and the institutions for international cooperation found a new and a positive Africa; one not scrambling neither in wars, in famines, and nor in corruption. It appeared, however, at the end of the colloquium that there was no way for promoting this positive Africa. Therefore, this subject continued in 2006 in a workshop with the medias at the Summit of “Africities IV” for the local African collectivities in Nairobi, Kenya.
In Kirundi, Harubuntu means
"there is value in this place..."
Here, in Africa, there is value. There are women and men creating wealth and inventing a future in their own image; women and men aware of their values and want to use them to develop themselves; women and men desiring to see their values recognized, understood and promoted, both on their own continent and internationally. Because development is only possible through self-esteem. Because these values remained often secret, hidden and ignored throughout African history, it is time now that the attention they deserve is given. Because it is right for Africa to take its place and get recognition for its values and people who embody them.

Echos Communication -
Our NGO, Echos Communication, works for human and sustainable development. Through its promotion of local actors of development and through support to projects in Africa, through some sensitization of Belgian NGO’s to positive behavior and through education programs to deconstruct prejudices, together with our partners in the North as well as in the South, we construct a cooperation for development based on reciprocity, mutual support and collective knowledge.