Echos Communication - www.echoscommunication.org
Our NGO, Echos Communication, works for human and sustainable development. Through its promotion of local actors of development and through support to projects in Africa, through some sensitization of Belgian NGO’s to positive behavior and through education programs to deconstruct prejudices, together with our partners in the North as well as in the South, we construct a cooperation for development based on reciprocity, mutual support and collective knowledge.

United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLGA) - www.uclga.org
Cities and Local Governments of Africa is an association of villages, towns and villages in Africa, by its mayors, local representatives and local government representatives. It is the unified voice of African local authorities.
The CGLUA is also founder of Africities Summit. It is the most important platform for dialogue on decentralization and local governments in Africa. Once every three years, between 3000 and 5000 participants gather.

Mr Jean Pierre Elong Mbassi, secretairy general of Cities and Local United Governments of Africa