Award for Civil society – 2013
Burkina Faso
Youth centre of cultures and associations (Maison des jeunes, des cultures et des associations - MJCA)
Tags: participation, solidarity, street life, accounting.
« I dream of a society taking its destiny in its own hands. »
« Working with local people allows each of them to express her/his talents because the centre is a space for sharing ideas and it is an opportunity for each of us to have a voice. »
Yasmina in a few words: With her French - Moroccan origins but with no feelings to these countries though, Yasmina travels in search for her identity. Her trip takes to Burkina Faso where she has settled, twenty years back. Well integrated in Ouagadougou she creates the “Youth centre of cultures and associations” (Maison des jeunes, des cultures et des associations - MJCA) in 2007.
Youth centre: participation at each level
From beneficiary to actors
Very attached to values like solidarity and very aware of the strength of working together, Yasmina has succeeded to create a context where each person, even the poorest, can trust in her/himself and becomes an actor of the change. The youth centre is a space of accountability. It is a creation of the community and it is for the community. As she is not in favor of a system of eternal assistance, Yasmina coordinates actions to awaken the community.
A community in motion
The mission of the MJCA is to give education programs to the underprivileged children of the area. However, beneficiaries are not children only, … With the involvement of people of all age and with different experience each of them gets a chance to participate in community development.
Shared vision, team involved
Putting her own talents at the service of the community, Yasmina has valued the talents of all actors. For a year and half her team is autonomously running for the promotion of the common vision of the MJCA.
In brief: Based on well identified needs, activities at the MJCA are in four groups:
- school programs: alphabetization, library, support to students
- cross-cutting issues: social support, promotion of citizenship, awareness raising
- cultural programs: school programs, holiday clubs, tales
- internship for western volunteers: deconstruction of taboos in regard with Africa